Ruth Stark
Director, Institute for Macromolecular Assemblies , CUNY; Director, Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement, CCNY
Working at the interfaces of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, and biology, the Stark research group exploits NMR spectroscopy and biophysical technologies to study the molecular structure and development of biopolymers that protect fruits and vegetables, the solution-state structure and signaling mechanisms of fatty acid-binding proteins involved in human pain, and the molecular development of melanin pigments associated with fungal virulence and resistance to drug therapies. We apply surface nanomechanics and nanoscale structural characterization to a host of biological targets. Plant biopolymer targets such as the skin of tomatoes and potatoes have inspired us to design green composite materials that exhibit barrier and antimicrobial functionalities.
Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Plant Biology
Focus Area 2, Focus Area 3